Lots of news since I last checked in here. I am grateful to have received my second Pushcart nomination from Menacing Hedge for "after the stillbirth, the pioneer wife dresses a rabbit."
New work should be appearing soon in Spry, Paper Nautilus, and Cleaver Magazine.
Pleased to be reading back at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago for the ongoing poetry/art series. The theme for this reading is "The Land." Come join us December 8 at 1:30 PM.
Also will be reading again at the Fine Arts Building open house, a Chicago holiday tradition. Details on the home page sidebar.
Thrilled to have new work accepted by the following journals: Cease, Cows; burnt district; Hobble Creek Review. Also thrilled to have new work forthcoming soon in: Atticus Review, Dirty Napkin, Paper Nautilus.
A House of Many Windows is now available for pre-order on the Sundress Publications website. See the home page or click here for details.
And honored to be nominated, Part 2...
Leah Browning of Apple Valley Review has also nominated "Mailing a Snowflake" for a Best of the Net award.
The Pioneer Wife has arrived. Many thanks to Dana Hoeschen and Redbird Chapbooks for creating a work of art from my set of narrative poems. Visit the Chapbooks Page for ordering information.
The Pioneer Wife is Nearly Here!
Second and final proof of The Imagined Life of the Pioneer Wife arrived from Redbird Chapbooks today. The book is so beautiful - I could not have asked for anything more lovely! There will be a link soon on the chapbook page where you can purchase. Please buy directly from Redbird and support this wonderful small press! Dates and Progress
First proofing has taken place on The Imagined Life of the Pioneer Wife from Redbird Chapbooks. There will also be art...Full length manuscript publication date has been advanced to August. It's really happening...stay tuned for more information!
NaPoWriMo 2013 - Yes, I'm trying to 30/30 in April...4/5/13
It's National Poetry Month, and once again, I am attempting to write 30 poems in 30 days. Follow my progress at my blog - Put Words Together; Make Meaning.
It's Another Chapbook... 02/17/13
Redbird Chapbooks has been gracious enough to accept my series of poems called The Imagined Life of the Pioneer Wife for publication later this Spring. They make beautiful books, and I am honored that they have chosen to include me as one of their authors.
Extract(s) Print Issue 01/26/13
Extract(s), who give you a daily dose of lit including my short story "Technicolor" a while back, is creating its first print annual just in time for AWP in Boston. If you are attending the conference, pick up a copy and enjoy amazing work by their many fine contributors in 2012. It's a No...01/15/13
Tired Hearts Press was a no, but the editors had very lovely things to say about the work, so I am not discouraged. I spent much of my winter break writing and submitting, so hopefully more good news will come my way soon. Onward.
Honored to be nominated...12/01/12
For a Pushcart Prize by Apple Valley Review for my poem "Mailing a Snowflake" (which is a part of the chapbook manuscript mentioned below). Thank you to editor Leah Browning for her belief in my work. An Embarrassment of Riches: 11/23/12
Today, I learned that my chapbook of poems based on the letters of Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell, A Courtship of Tannins and Ashes, is one of ten finalists for publication by Tired Hearts Press. Thanks to editors William James and Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory for their kind words about my work. Those selected for publication will be notified around New Year's Eve. More Breaking News...11/15/12
I have been told all my life that hard work pays off. And I can now say with certainty that it is true. First was the good news a few weeks ago from Sundress. Then last week, I received word that I will have a two-week residency this June at Kimmel-Harding-Nelson Center for the Arts in Nebraska. Then, this week, I got the notification that Kristy Bowen's dancing girl press has accepted my chapbook We Build Houses of Our Bodies for publication in 2013.
I am so grateful for all of these people/presses who provide opportunities for writers to be heard and have their work in the world. Watch closely next year for lots of updates and hopefully readings as well.
Breaking News... 10/12/12
I am grateful and proud to announce that Sundress Publications has agreed to take on my first full-length manuscript A House of Many Windows for publication in 2013.
Many thanks to Erin Elizabeth Smith and her editorial team for seeing something worthwhile in my work.